Almost everybody has a spare key to their home. They keep it under a flower pot, or on a nail in the garage, or with a friend, or maybe all three. It eases our minds because it gives us access in case something unforeseen happens. But not everything we value is kept somewhere within four walls. We value our digital data, too, and it’s prudent to provide for emergency access to it as well.
When most of us think of ransoms, we think of police dramas about frantic parents and furtive money drops, but in the computer world, ransoms operate quite differently. There isn’t any less panic, mind you, and the havoc digital ransoms cause is very real, but it’s also very defensible.
Have you ever wondered where the cloud is? We all know about those fluffy shapes in the sky, but when you send your digital data to the cloud, we still refer to the information going “up there”, even though we know the data isn’t just floating around somewhere.
Tornados. Hackers. Ransomware attacks. And just plain mistakes. The files you use every day to run your business can disappear or become corrupted in an instant. You mean to back them up, but you never get around to it.
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