Where do you store your passwords? It’s not only in your head anymore, that’s for sure. You have way too many of them. And we sure hope it’s not on a little piece of paper under your keyboard or a little spiral notebook next to your desk. Mobile devices aren’t just a mode of communication anymore. They’ve become essential business tools that help us to be more productive and efficient. Because they are so versatile, we store vital business data on them, and that is what makes them vulnerable. How many times have you been hacked? Be honest. If you spend any amount of time making purchases online, it’s probably happened. And probably more than once. Password theft has just gotten too easy. This isn’t your dad’s construction site anymore.Oh, you might see the same kinds of equipment–dump trucks and dozers, excavators and graders, but it’s what you don’t see that’s changed so much. The drones that created the site topo, the 3D models that dictated the takeoffs, the GPS that tells the operators exactly where to dig. Your dad never had any of those. Your nephew might have one–a remote controlled hovercraft that flies just over your head, looking for all the world like a UFO, something between a toy and cutting edge technology. Drones are fun, but they’re also serious business.
There is more than one way to accomplish a task, but you become more proficient in the task the more times you have completed it. Your IT network is no different. A salesperson can make it sound easier to manage than it in fact is, but by trying to do it yourself, you sacrifice time, efficiency, and the expertise needed to do it right. DIY can be fun, but when it comes to technology, it’s comforting to know that the job is done right.
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